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Our GPPC Center will be working on the UN SDGs in order to bring peace and harmony to the world.


Our 5 Segments we will be covering

  • Food Security, Agriculture, Fisheries & Clean Energy Center

  • Education, Decent Job and Employability Center

  • Health, Clean Water and Hygiene Center

  • Welfare, Recreation, Strong Institutions and Peace Advocacy Center

  • Industry, Infrastructure, Sustainable City and Climate Action through Innovation Center


Food Security, Agriculture, Fisheries & Clean Energy Center

Activity List

  • Food Productivity and Chain management training

  • Food pantry for widows and seniors

  • Lactating mothers and malnutrition children food provision

  • Environment and clean energy training and small scale projects center

  • Reducing Waste, Resource Consumption and Protecting ecosystem projects on monthly basis for the community to participate

  • Fresh food and fish market on weekends 

  • Agriculture/fisheries training and business center


Education, Decent Job, and Employability Center

Activity List

  • Adult and Adolescent Training 

  • Early childhood and primary home-schooling training and centers with surveillance

  • Research Libraries and Internet facility 

  • Career Counselling and mentorship events 

  • Employability Training and Job Placement center

  • Skill development training

  • Small Business training and microfinance for our franchises created locally based on community needs

  • Personal grooming, hygiene, and personality development training

  • Business technical and legal resource center


Health, Clean Water, and Hygiene Center

Activity List

  • Community Auxiliary Nurses and Birth Attendants Training

  • Community Health Worker and First Aid Training

  • Digital E-Health Unit and Data Integration between the districts for the patient's connectivity to district headquarter hospitals

  • Mother and Child Emergency clinic

  • Supplies for communicable diseases and emergency pandemic 

  • Community Ambulance Service 

  • Clean Water and Sanitation Training

  • Putting together little equipment to support clean water and sanitation

  • Community projects for clean water filtration, boring and solar panel installation 

  • Water testing facility for contamination


Welfare, Recreation, Strong Institutions and Peace Advocacy Center

Activity List

  • Global Peace Advocacy and leadership training center

  • Activities engaging the senior citizens

  • Scouting, community policing, and recreational trainings

  • Electoral system, transparency, and good governance training

  • Political and professional associations training center

  • Volunteering center

  • Culture and diversity conservation training center  

  • Media research, copying, printing, and publication center for youth 

  • Interfaith and traditional harmony events center

  • Tourist and recreation information center


Industry, Infrastructure, Sustainable City and Climate Action through Innovation Center

Activity List

  • Innovation/IT Training and Research submission Facility 

  • District Procurement and weekend markets for the community 

  • Promoting community industry startups center

  • Cottage industry trainings as a pilot project 

  • Business / Entrepreneurship Trainings

  • Low-Cost Housing Community Labor Training and construction of 100 units per community  

  • Smart City equipment and installation training

  • Sustainable City global school competitions and seed funding registration center 

  • Climate Change training and activity centers for schools and institutes 

  • Emergency preparedness and disaster management training and supplies center

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